
class hyperion.densities.PowerLawEnvelope

This class implements the density structure for a spherically symmetric power-law envelope, with a density given by:

\rho(r) = \rho_0^{\rm env}\,\left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)^\gamma \\

Once the PowerLawEnvelope class has been instantiated, the parameters for the density structure can be set via attributes:

>>> from hyperion.util.constants import msun, au, pc
>>> from hyperion.densities.power_law_envelope import PowerLawEnvelope
>>> envelope = PowerLawEnvelope()
>>> envelope.mass = msun
>>> envelope.rmin = 0.1 * au
>>> envelope.rmax = pc

PowerLawEnvelope instances can only be used with spherical polar grids at this time.


mass total mass (g)
rho_0 density at r_0 (g/cm^3)
r_0 radius at which rho_0 is defined (cm)
rmax outer radius (cm)
rmin inner radius (cm)
power density power-law exponent
dust dust properties (filename or dust object)


density(grid[, ignore_cavity]) Return the density grid
outermost_radius(rho) Find the outermost radius at which the density of the envelope has fallen to rho.
midplane_cumulative_density(r) Find the cumulative column density as a function of radius.
add_bipolar_cavity() Add a bipolar cavity to the envelope.

Methods (detail)

density(grid, ignore_cavity=False)

Return the density grid

grid : SphericalPolarGrid or CylindricalPolarGrid instance.

The spherical polar grid object containing information about the position of the grid cells.

rho : np.ndarray

A 3-dimensional array containing the density of the envelope inside each cell. The shape of this array is the same as grid.shape.


Find the outermost radius at which the density of the envelope has fallen to rho.

rho : float

The density for which to determine the radius

r : float

The radius at which the density has fallen to rho


Find the cumulative column density as a function of radius.

The cumulative density is measured outwards from the origin, and in the midplane.

r : np.ndarray

Array of values of the radius up to which to tabulate the cumulative density.

rho : np.ndarray

Array of values of the cumulative density.


Add a bipolar cavity to the envelope.

cavity : BipolarCavity instance

The bipolar cavity instance, which can then be used to set the parameters of the cavity.