- class hyperion.dust.HenyeyGreensteinDust(nu, albedo, chi, g, p_lin_max)#
This class should be used for dust properties that include scattering parameterized by the Henyey-Greenstein, 1941 function. The dust properties should be instatiated as:
d = HenyeyGreensteinDust(nu, albedo, chi, g, p_lin_max)
, andchi
are 1-D Numpy arrays containing the frequencies, albedo, and opacity to extinction respectively, andg
are also 1-D Numpy arrays containing the asymmetry parameter and the maximum linear polarization.Method
(mode[, temperature])Set the dust sublimation mode and temperature.
(mode[, ...])Set the dust sublimation mode and specific energy.
([n_temp, temp_min, ...])Calculate the emissivities assuming LTE
(filename)Read in from a standard dust file
(filename[, compression])Write out to a standard dust file, including calculations of the mean opacities and optionally thermal emissivities.
(temperature)Convert a temperature to its corresponding specific energy value.
(specific_energy)Convert a specific energy value to its corresponding temperature.
(temperature)Compute the mean opacity to extinction for a blackbody at a given temperature.
(temperature)Compute the mean opacity to absorption for a blackbody at a given temperature.
(nu, fnu)Compute the mean opacity to extinction for a given spectrum.
(nu, fnu)Compute the mean opacity to absorption for a given spectrum.
Methods (detail)
- set_sublimation_temperature(mode, temperature=0.0)#
Set the dust sublimation mode and temperature.
- Parameters:
- modestr
- The dust sublimation mode, which can be:
‘no’ - no sublimation
- ‘fast’ - remove all dust in cells exceeding the
sublimation temperature
- ‘slow’ - reduce the dust in cells exceeding the
sublimation temperature
- ‘cap’ - any temperature exceeding the sublimation
temperature is reset to the sublimation temperature.
- temperaturefloat, optional
The dust sublimation temperature, in K
- set_sublimation_specific_energy(mode, specific_energy=0.0)#
Set the dust sublimation mode and specific energy.
- Parameters:
- modestr
- The dust sublimation mode, which can be:
‘no’ - no sublimation
- ‘fast’ - remove all dust in cells exceeding the
sublimation specific energy
- ‘slow’ - reduce the dust in cells exceeding the
sublimation specific energy
- ‘cap’ - any specific energy exceeding the sublimation
specific energy is reset to the sublimation specific energy.
- specific_energyfloat, optional
The dust sublimation specific energy, in cgs
- set_lte_emissivities(n_temp=1200, temp_min=0.1, temp_max=100000.0)#
Calculate the emissivities assuming LTE
- Parameters:
- n_tempint, optional
The number of temperatures to calculate the emissivities for
- temp_minfloat, optional
The minimum temperature to calculate the emissivities for
- temp_maxfloat, optional
The maximum temperature to calculate the emissivities for
- plot(filename)#
- read(filename)#
Read in from a standard dust file
- write(filename, compression=True)#
Write out to a standard dust file, including calculations of the mean opacities and optionally thermal emissivities.
- temperature2specific_energy(temperature)#
Convert a temperature to its corresponding specific energy value.
- Parameters:
- temperaturefloat or array_like
The temperature to convert
- Returns:
- specific_energyfloat or array_like
The specific energy corresponding to the input temperature
- specific_energy2temperature(specific_energy)#
Convert a specific energy value to its corresponding temperature.
- Parameters:
- specific_energyfloat or array_like
The specific energy to convert
- Returns:
- temperaturefloat or array_like
The temperature corresponding to the input specific energy
- chi_nu_temperature(temperature)#
Compute the mean opacity to extinction for a blackbody at a given temperature.
- Parameters:
- temperaturefloat
The temperature of the blackbody to use
- Returns:
- chi_nu_meanfloat
The mean opacity to extinction
- kappa_nu_temperature(temperature)#
Compute the mean opacity to absorption for a blackbody at a given temperature.
- Parameters:
- temperaturefloat
The temperature of the blackbody to use
- Returns:
- kappa_nu_meanfloat
The mean opacity to absorption
- chi_nu_spectrum(nu, fnu)#
Compute the mean opacity to extinction for a given spectrum.
- Parameters:
- nuarray_like
The frequencies, in Hz
- fnuarray_like
The monochromatic fluxes per unit frequency. Units are unimportant since proportionality constants are cancelled out in the computation.
- Returns:
- chi_nu_meanfloat
The mean opacity to extinction
- kappa_nu_spectrum(nu, fnu)#
Compute the mean opacity to absorption for a given spectrum.
- Parameters:
- nuarray_like
The frequencies, in Hz
- fnuarray_like
The monochromatic fluxes per unit frequency. Units are unimportant since proportionality constants are cancelled out in the computation.
- Returns:
- kappa_nu_meanfloat
The mean opacity to absorption