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Running models

Using the hyperion command-line wrapper

Once an .rtin file has been created (see Setting up models), the model can be run using the compiled Fortran code. Note that the model can be run on a different computer/cluster to the computer on which is was set up, because the .rtin files are portable.

The easiest way to run a model is to invoke the hyperion command-line utility, specifying the input and output file (we use the .rtout extensions for output files):

hyperion model.rtin model.rtout


hyperion is a command-line Python wrapper around the Fortran binaries that gets installed with the Python Hyperion library.

To run Hyperion in parallel, you can use:

hyperion -m <n_processes> model.rtin model.rtout

where <n_processes> is the number of processes to run in parallel (does not need to equal the number of cores in the computer or cluster). For example, to run the code over 24 processes, you can use:

hyperion -m 24 model.rtin model.rtout

This may not work with all MPI installations. If you have issues, see the next section on calling the Fortran binaries directly (and report the issue).

Calling the Fortran binaries directly

hyperion is in fact a wrapper to grid specific binaries:

  • hyperion_car and hyperion_car_mpi for cartesian grids
  • hyperion_cyl and hyperion_cyl_mpi for cylindrical polar grids
  • hyperion_sph and hyperion_sph_mpi for spherical polar grids
  • hyperion_amr and hyperion_amr_mpi for AMR grids
  • hyperion_oct and hyperion_oct_mpi for Oct-tree grids

These binaries can be called directly instead of the hyperion wrapper. For example, to run a model with a cartesian grid in serial, you would use:

hyperion_car model.rtin model.rtout

To use the parallel version of the code, use the relevant binary, with the _mpi suffix appended, and launch it using the command relevant to your MPI installation, for example:

mpirun -n 128 hyperion_car_mpi model.rtin model.rtout

This can also be mpiexec or openmpirun or openmpiexec depending on your MPI installation.

Running the model from the Python scripts

It is also possible to run the serial version of the code directly from the set-up script, by doing:

m = Model()

To run in parallel, simply do:'model.rtout', mpi=True, n_processes=<n_processes>)

As for the hyperion command-line wrapper, this may not work with all MPI installations.