The easiest way to set up models is via the Hyperion Python package. To set up models, you will need to create a Python script, and populate it using the information in this and following sections. Once you have written the script (e.g., you can run it using:
You should start by choosing the type of model you want to set up. At the moment, you can either set up an arbitrary model (which allows you to use an arbitrary grid and density structure), or an analytical YSO model, which is specifically models with fixed density structures such as disks, envelopes, bipolar cavities, and defined on a spherical or cylindrical polar grid. Other kinds of convenience models may be added in future (and contributions are welcome!).
Once you have decided on the type of model, you will need to set up the grid, sources, dust properties, density structure, image and SED parameters, and choose the settings for the radiative transfer algorithm.
The following pages give instructions on setting up the two main kinds of models:
And the following pages give details and advice on particular configuration settings:
it is possible to write model input files yourself directly in HDF5 and bypass the Python library entirely (but this is reserved for advanced users!). See Model Input HDF5 Format for more information.