.. RT Code documentation documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Feb 5 14:31:14 2010. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Hyperion documentation ====================== Introduction ------------ This is the documentation for `Hyperion `_, a three-dimensional dust continuum Monte-Carlo radiative transfer code. Models are set up via Python scripts, and are run using a compiled Fortran code, optionally making use of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for parallel computing. .. important:: **Before you proceed, please make sure you have read the following disclaimers**: * The developers cannot guarantee that the code is bug-free, and users should sign up to the `mailing list `_ to ensure that they are informed as soon as bugs are identified and fixed. The developers cannot be held responsible for incorrect results, regardless of whether these arise from incorrect usage, a bug in the code, or a mistake in the documentation. * Users should read the :doc:`important/important` before using Hyperion. In particular, users are fully responsible for ensuring that parameters such as photon numbers and grid resolution are adequate for the problem being studied. Hyperion will *not* raise errors if these inputs are inadequate. If your work makes use of Hyperion, please cite: **Robitaille, 2011**, *HYPERION: an open-source parallelized three-dimensional dust continuum radiative transfer code*, Astronomy & Astrophysics 536 A79 (`ADS `_, `BibTeX `_). If you need consulting on using Hyperion beyond the current documentation, then please `contact me `_ with details of your project. Note on units and constants --------------------------- All quantities in Hyperion are expressed in the cgs system. Throughout the documentation, constants are sometimes used in place of values (e.g. ``au``, ``pc``). These can be imported (in Python) using:: from hyperion.util.constants import * or, to control which constants are imported:: from hyperion.util.constants import au, pc, lsun See :doc:`api/hyperion.util.constants` for more details. Documentation ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation/installation.rst important/important.rst setup/setup.rst running/running.rst postprocessing/postprocessing.rst tutorials/index.rst dust/dust.rst Advanced -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 advanced/advanced.rst api/api.rst contributing.rst changes.rst Credits ------- Hyperion is currently being developed by `Thomas Robitaille `_. Interested in contributing fixes or patches to the code or documentation? Read :doc:`contributing` for more details! If you are interested in developing new features, `contact me `_ and we can discuss how to coordinate efforts. A great thanks to the following users whose help with testing early versions of Hyperion was invaluable: * Katharine Johnston * Nils Lippok * Stella Offner * Sarah Ragan * Andrew Schechtman-Rook * Amy Stutz * Barbara Whitney * Mike Wolff