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class hyperion.densities.FlaredDisk(mass=None, rho_0=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, p=-1, beta=-1.25, h_0=None, r_0=None, cylindrical_inner_rim=True, cylindrical_outer_rim=True, star=None, dust=None)

This class implements the density structure for a flared axisymmatric disk, with a density given by:

\rho(R,z,\phi) = \rho_0^{\rm disk}\,\left(\frac{R_0}{R}\right)^{\beta - p}\,\exp{\left[-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{z}{h(R)}\right)^2\right]} \\

Once the FlaredDisk class has been instantiated, the parameters for the density structure can be set via attributes:

>>> from hyperion.util.constants import msun, au
>>> disk = FlaredDisk()
>>> disk.mass = 2. * msun
>>> disk.rmin = 0.1 * au
>>> disk.rmax = 100 * au


mass Total disk mass (g)
rho_0 Scale-factor for the disk density (g/cm^3)
rmin inner radius (cm)
rmax outer radius (cm)
p surface density power-law exponent
beta scaleheight power-law exponent
h_0 scaleheight of the disk at r_0 (cm)
r_0 radius at which h_0 is defined (cm)
cylindrical_inner_rim Whether the inner edge of the disk should be defined as a truncation
cylindrical_outer_rim Whether the outer edge of the disk should be defined as a truncation
dust dust properties (filename or dust object)


density(grid) Return the density grid
midplane_cumulative_density(r) Find the cumulative column density as a function of radius.
vertical_cumulative_density(r, theta) Find the cumulative column density as a function of theta.

Methods (detail)


Return the density grid

Parameters :

grid : SphericalPolarGrid or CylindricalPolarGrid instance.

The spherical or cylindrical polar grid object containing information about the position of the grid cells.

Returns :

rho : np.ndarray

A 3-dimensional array containing the density of the disk inside each cell. The shape of this array is the same as grid.shape.


Find the cumulative column density as a function of radius.

The cumulative density is measured outwards from the origin, and in the midplane.

Parameters :

r : np.ndarray

Array of values of the radius up to which to tabulate the cumulative density.

Returns :

rho : np.ndarray

Array of values of the cumulative density.

vertical_cumulative_density(r, theta)

Find the cumulative column density as a function of theta.

Parameters :

r : float

The spherical radius at which to calculate the cumulative density.

theta : np.ndarray

The theta values at which to tabulate the cumulative density.

Returns :

rho : np.ndarray

Array of values of the cumulative density.