Version History =============== 0.9.2 (2013-08-16) ------------------ New Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - :meth:`~hyperion.model.ModelOutput.get_sed` and :meth:`~hyperion.model.ModelOutput.get_image` now return SED and Image objects that contain meta-data in addition to the data itself. For example, images contain information about the field of view (in physical/angular units, where appropriate), and information about the units is also included. The old syntax of ``wav, nufnu = m.get_sed(...)`` will still work, but the meta-data will not be accessible in those cases. - New library of dust models, accessible in :doc:`dust/dust` - It is now possible to read in previous models completely, including the density structure, geometry, sources, dust, and configuration, using the :meth:`` method. In addition, new methods individual methods :meth:`~hyperion.model.Model.use_sources`, :meth:`~hyperion.model.Model.use_image_config`, :meth:`~hyperion.model.Model.use_run_config`, and :meth:`~hyperion.model.Model.use_output_config` allow more detailed control over reading in parameters from previous models. - It is now possible to force overwrite Hyperion output from the command-line using the ``-f`` option:: hyperion -f input output or when using the individual fortran binaries:: mpirun -n 8 hyperion_car_mpi -f input output This will likely be useful for users of computer clusters who don't want a job to fail just because the output file already exists. - Regular Cartesian grids can now also be exported for viewing in `yt `_ (as was previously possible for AMR and Octree grids). - A new function, :func:`~hyperion.model.helpers.run_with_vertical_hseq`, is available to help with the calculation of vertical Hydrostatic equilibrium in disks. Note that this feature is still experimental and should be used with care. - A new function, :func:`~hyperion.model.helpers.tau_to_radius`, is available to compute, for spherical polar grids, the optical depth from infinity to a given radius. Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - PyFITS, PyWCS, and ATpy are no longer required for Hyperion. Instead, the `Astropy `_ package is now required as a dependency. - Updated download link for MPICH2 - The ``rho_0`` attribute for disks is now a property, not a method, and can be set by the user instead of the disk mass. - The documentation has been improved and fixed in places thanks to user feedback. - AnalyticalYSOModel instances are no longer 'static' once they have been written out (this means one can write out a model, change a parameter, and write out a new different model, which was not possible previously). - The Fortran code now reads in dust models faster because it computes all cumulative distribution functions more efficiently. - Statistics for killed photons are now kept for each iteration rather than just summing all of them. Bug fixes ^^^^^^^^^ - Fix compatibility with Numpy - Fix coverage testing for Python 3 - Fixed an issue which caused temporary files to not be deleted after running tests. API changes ^^^^^^^^^^^ - The ``AnalyticalYSOModel.evaluate_optically_thin_radii()`` method has been removed. 0.9.1 (2012-10-26) ------------------ New Features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Updated hyperion2fits to extract binned images - Added wmax= option for AnalyticalYSOModel.set_cylindrical_grid_auto Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Made deps/fortran/ script more robust to architecture, and to lack of zlib library. - Ensure that spectrum always gets converted to floating-point values - Give a more explicit error message if optical properties for dust are not set. Bug fixes ^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug that prevented BipolarCavity from being used - Ensure that get_quantities works even if no initial iterations were computed - Fix scattering for cases where P2=0. The code could sometimes crash if a mix of isotropic and non-isotropic dust was used (reported by M. Wolff). - Fix a bug that occurred when outputting multiple images with the depth option (reported and fixed by T. Bowers) [#21, #22] 0.9.0 (2012-07-27) ------------------ - Initial public release.